Duxford – Hangars

A small building next to a hangar tells the story of Duxford airfield. 

It became a training airfield in 1918 and 126 pupils became pilots here but 13 of them were killed in accidents.Hangars_02

In 1924 the role of Duxford changed. It became part of the UK air defense as a fighter station. These were good days and the RAF was sometimes described as “the best flying club in the world”. Darker days were however waiting around the corner…Hangars_03

I visited one of the old classic Duxford hangars and found a lot in it…Hangars_04

…like this description of a fantastic project. After WWII Ralph Nelson took an old Blenheim Mk I nose and turned it into a small electric car. Today that car is turned into a nose section of the worlds only flying Blenheim Mark I bomber (using a Canadian-built Bolingbroke airframe)! I sponsored the project and got tickets that may give me a ride in that Blenheim. Hold thumbs for me! Hangars_05

One of those beautiful 1930’s aircraft – the Hawker Fury. Hangars_06

A cockpit section of a Japanese Zero fighter. This aircraft was captured by the allied and used for air testing.Hangars_07

Something more modern – a Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer.Hangars_08

In another hangar I found a mixture of aircraft, from full flying condition to different…Hangars_09

…stages of “soon to fly” condition.Hangars_10

A beautiful de Havilland Dragon Rapide…Hangars_11

…a Nieuport 17…Hangars_12

…and a Fairey Firefly with a Swedish history… I think it is up for restoration very soon!

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